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Workshops and Keynotes

Here are a few examples of workshops or keynotes which I have presented. I also do customized workshops and keynotes about EdTEch issues which are built specifically for that school or organization. I take into account that every school/organisation has different issues or needs and often change my presentations depending on the starting point of each school/organisation.

Keynote: Dealing with change and the Pedagogical approach to Technology in Education

Technology is changing the way we learn and teach, dealing with these changes can sometimes be difficult.


The keynote will go through the new technologies that are having a impact our lives and come up with solutions of how we can enhance and transform the learning experiences for our students.

Google Apps Deployment  


Google Apps is a perfect tool for schools with a wide range of applications and the great thing is its free.

​This workshop will go through how to set up your school email address, calendar and collaborative documents for your organization. It will also go through how to launch Google Drive and manage the other applications which are in the admin dashboard.

Integrating BYOD into the classroom using the SAMR Model

Bring your own device (BYOD) refers to the policy of permitting students to bring personally owned mobile devices to school, and to use those devices to access school information and applications.


This workshop will show you have to implement a BYOD project at your school and the types of applications which will work across all platforms. Google Apps is a good example of this as it works on all devices. It will also look at how to use the SMAR model to help teachers to plan lessons using technology to enhance students learning.


Chromebook roll out using the Google Apps Dashboard

The introduction of Chromebooks in education has had very positive reviews and it is a perfect tool for students.

This workshop will take you through the key tools and functions of Chromebooks and how to build a road map to roll out such a project at your school. It will also go over how to push out apps from the admin dashboard to the school devices.

Build a Google
Learning Management 
Website for your school/class 

Google sites are a great way to build your very own learning management website for your class, school or business. It's easy to manage and you can build a basic site in under an hour.


This workshop will cover how to set up a Google site in which the design, colour, and layout are all customized to your creativity. Google sites are a great way to integrate all the Google products and the good thing is, you don't have to be an expert in website building.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​




Google Advanced search tips to help teachers and students with their research

Rather than asking your students to mine the Internet looking for information, show them how to get to the information using effective search strategies.


We will take a tour of the tools that Google has developed to help you and your students focus on synthesizing the information you’ve found rather than spending precious classroom time trying to find it. Explore how to use Google’s latest search techniques with your students and develop strategies to help your students do meaningful queries rather than just hunt for data.


Photo editing, animation and film editing in Google Drive and Youtube

Many people think that Chromebooks and Google Drive do not have the same capability as some other products on the market today e.g. MACBooks.


In this session you will learn about some third party Google Drive Apps which give you powerful capabilities like photo editing, animation, movie editing and the good news is they are all free. These tools will help you to flip your classroom.




Automate your life with Google Scripts

There many Google Apps scripts which are designed to save teachers and staff time as Larry Page said "technology should do the hard work, so people can go on, and do what makes them happy"

This workshop will take you through a step by step process of how to use scripts to help with daily tasks like marking tests, giving feedback, automating emails, assigning work and lots more.

The Core Google
Apps Suite - Google Drive 101

Google's core Apps Suite is great for collaboration and will help teachers to enhance students learning.

The Core Apps are great for giving students instant feedback on their progress and helps teachers to organise student's work in a much more manageable way. This workshop will go through how to use and implement them into your classroom or administration.

Using Google Drive as a student portfolio with iPads or Android

Google Drive is a great tool to use with iPads or Android decvices to store students creative content.

In the past it has been difficult to get students work off the device, so teachers can make reflections or embed students work on websites. Google Drive is the perfect solution for this issue and this workshop will show you how it is possible to use Google Drive as a student portfolio.


Using Google Apps in an Apple School

With so many international schools using MacBooks and iPads, and in addition many teachers and student using iPhone and iPod touch devices what are some of the best practices and tips and tricks to get the most out Google EDU products in an apple environment.

We look at both Google Apps and third party integration Apps for iPad and iPhone. Lots of tips and tricks for getting the most out of using Google in the Apple environment.

Google+ is the fastest growing social network on the planet, it is now the second biggest social network and has 540 million active users in just 2 years.

Google+ is a great addition to the Google Apps suite and has great potential for education and is a leading force for teachers professional development. In this workshop we will show you how to setup your account and how to use all the key features. We will also show how to use communities to build a class learning network with your students.

Google+, Hangouts and Events for Educators
Chrome Extensions and Drive Apps to improve your productivity

Chrome extensions and Drive Apps are key functions for making your work life productive and for getting students to create work which would not be possible without this kind of technology.

This workshop will look at many different extensions and apps which you probably thought did not exist within the Google Apps range. It will cover things like screenshots, video editing, making ebooks, photo editing and animations.


Using Google Maps Engine and Tour Builder to Enhance Students Learning of the World

Come and take a tour of Google's recently announced Maps Engine. Learn how to draw on, style, layer, and import data into your maps. Sharing and collaborating your powerful custom maps is easy and we'll highlight ideas for classroom use and sample maps.


Also learn to build your own tour using the new Google Tour Builder and learn how to use these for skills to enhance students learning in Geography, History, Literacy and other subjects.



The Power of Google Forms For Teachers

In this hands-on session, we will create a Google form from scratch as well as look at how one can use Google forms in the day-to-day operations of a school.


We will visit an educational portal that has Google form templates and tutorials that have been designed by other educators to help save us all time. We can look at how we can download and alter already these ready-made templates to save valuable time




How to build your own Google Site and student portfolio sites

Description: What is an e-Porfolio? How can I use an e-Portfolio as an educator and in my classrooms? In this hands-on workshop, participants will learn:

  • How to build your own class site?

  • What is an e-Portfolio?

  • Why use Google Sites for e-Portfolio?

  • How to build an e-Portfolio? A conceptual workflow

  • Setting up an e-Portfolio using Google Sites

  • How to jazz up your site

  • Sharing and publishing an e-Portfolio




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